Travis Meadows smoking cigarette

An introduction to Travis Meadows AKA Uncle Buzzy…

By Sheri Oneal

I met Travis many years ago when I used to co-host a writers night at the “Hall of Fame Lounge”, here in Nashville TN. He first contacted me on myspace and then came in one night to play.  I will never forget the first minute of his first song he played for the audience, the place went completely silent and the old coots at the bar who spoke about music in Nashville back in the day actually turned and listened, that never happened. In that moment I knew I would follow and come to admire Travis for a very long time. Now, 6 years later, after years of friendship, following his career, personal life, becoming friends with his now ex wife and all the struggles they have faced over the years, I am so proud of where he is in his life with his music. Although his song “Black” will always be my favorite, the songs on his new CD “Killin Uncle Buzzy” are incredibly written and heartfelt with his voice and reflection.

I photographed Travis back in 2005 and was able to do so again a few months ago for his recent CD. If you want all american, Bruce Springsteen you have to give this a spin.  The honest gut felt lyrics with the rasp of his voice and the fact that this project is his celebration of sobriety makes for an incredible listen.  Here is his video and website where you can find out more!
Here is an earlier image I shot of Travis back in 2005…

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*NOTE all Sheri Oneal blog posts are ©2013 by Sheri Oneal. Any use of photos or content (other than sharing the link) must be agreed upon in writing.

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