George PORK McElhinny guitar payer

Guitar Pickin George PORK McElhinny

By Sheri Oneal

I recently shot some images for a new client and now friend George PORK McElhinny. When I met him I was a little taken by the fact that he goes by the name PORK! Imagine talking on the phone to someone who goes by the name Pork not knowing what they look like, wondering if he might be a BIG guy, and having to pre-visualize shooting their PR images.

To my surprise PORK is a good looking healthy guy, the shoot went great in my small studio and he can really play the guitar! I made him work hard for the right look on camera, there is no faking an intense guitar-playing face! Here are a few images from the shoot and click here to see what Pork is all about.

He is an awesome performer and you need to catch one of his shows! As you can see by the show announcement below he is playing with Travis Meadows, a great friend and awesome singer-songwriter whom I featured in my last blog post! One final note…PORK lives on Possum Trot Road, and no I am NOT making that part up!

*If you would like to leave a review of my work please do so here, here, or here!

*NOTE all Sheri Oneal blog posts are ©2013 by Sheri Oneal. Any use of photos or content (other than sharing the link) must be agreed upon in writing.

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