retune Nashville poster

The Launch Of ReTune Nashville

By Sheri Oneal

It has been a while since I have blogged, at least here for my photography site. For a little over a month, I have been somewhat preoccupied with a project I started called “ReTune Nashville”. It is a flood relief effort to help raise money for Nashville’s uninsured musicians through the sale of artwork created from flood-damaged musical instruments.

For weeks I have been working hard with a team of people to launch ReTune Nashville as a new non-profit. These are several pictures of some of the instruments we have collected for the cause. I will be shooting more as the project picks up momentum including the artist working on their projects.  

So far the interest has been great including news stories from Channel 2 and Fox News, stay tuned and be sure to check out ReTune!

*If you would like to leave a review of my work please do so here, here, or here!

*NOTE all Sheri Oneal blog posts are ©2013 by Sheri Oneal. Any use of photos or content (other than sharing the link) must be agreed upon in writing.

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