Wedge Oak Farm man with chickens

Nashville Loves Food: Wedge Oak Farm

By Sheri Oneal

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I thought  Wedge Oak Farm would be perfect to showcase because it is turkey time and they have great tasting farm raised turkeys available! Last summer I was introduced to the Overton family farm while taking photos for the Nashville Loves Food project. The weather was hot but beautiful the morning Melissa Corbin, Erik Lara (my assistant) and I arrived and we began our tour of the farm right away. Brian and Karen were preparing to feed the chickens so we headed over to the chicken coops because I wanted to capture images of them hard at work.
Wedge Oak Farm, chickens
 Brian Ferrell (above) feeds the chickens on his morning rounds at the farm.
Wedge Oak Farm, chickens
Wedge Oak Farm, feeding chickensKaren Overton (above) adds some greens to the chicken’s diet.
Wedge Oak Farm, chickens
Wedge Oak Farm, feeding chickens
Located in Lebanon, Tennessee, Wedge Oak Farm originated  when Karen Overton’s great grandmother purchased the land in 1904. The goal was and still is to function as a small diverse, family farm where they can gently and humanely raise food for the local region. They collect and reuse rainwater, they compost everything they can and even use recycled lumber when possible. They offer pasture raised, chemical free chicken, pork, beef, turkey and duck as well as duck and chicken eggs. Their animals are fed herbs, fruits, vegetables and locally mixed feed and they by exercising a homeopathic approach they don’t use antibiotics, nitrates or sodium solutions.  Their food is offered in and around Nashville at various markets, restaurants and farmers markets.
Wedge Oak Farm, Overton Family
Ned and Anne Overton with Karen Overton and Brian Ferrell (above)
Wedge Oak Farm, chickens
Karen shows me some of the eggs she has collected from the chicken coops (above). Brian and Karen always have work to do at the farm (below).
Wedge Oak Farm, farming, feeding chickens
Brian feeds the chickens in the coops (above left) and later he goes out and picks up some new chicks (above right). We make our way from the chicken coops to the barn where the baby chicks are being fed and checked out.
Wedge Oak Farm, pup with chicks
Shem the farm dog takes a peek at the new chicks getting ready to be put into the barn (above), I was sad to learn that they lost him a few months ago, he was such a friendly pup. A young chicken poses for the camera in the barn while awaiting to be fed (below).
Wedge Oak Farm, young chicken
Wedge Oak Farm, feeding hogs
From the barn we made our way over to where the pigs….or are they hogs were, I have to admit I was a bit intimidated, they were bigger than I had expected. Brian begins the process using feed along with vegetable and fruit compost.
Wedge Oak Farm, hogs
Wedge Oak Farm, hogs
Wedge Oak Farm, hogs
As we ended our day I got my last shot of this furry and extremely dirty hog who almost blends right in with the mud! I had a great day of shooting and a wonderful time learning about what it takes to make a farm like this one operate. This was the last farm I visited for the Nashville Loves Food project and as I drove away I remember thinking how nice it was to meet all these wonderful people on their farms and see first hand the passion they have for what they do. This project overall has really given me insight to the small farmers workload and I am amazed at the dedication and long hours they put into their work, it truly has to be a labor of love! We overlook what goes into the food we put on our tables. The idea of local healthier choices really appeals to me and helping our fellow small business owners is something I support 100%! If you want to buy a great pasture raised chemical free bird for your holiday be sure to reserve your turkey with a deposit at Wedge Oak Farm today by calling 615-547-4222 or emailing
Have a great weekend!

This assignment was shot for the “Nashville Loves Food” project with Lithographics, Inc., Melissa Corbin and Joe Smith.

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*NOTE all Sheri Oneal blog posts are ©2015 by Sheri Oneal. Any use of photos or content (other than sharing the link) must be agreed upon in writing.

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