A black commuter van photographed in front of a tall glass building

Photography And Your Brand

New small businesses are popping up every day because it is easier than ever to build an online presence. The key to business growth is you must stand out among your competitors. The importance of brand identity is sometimes hard for new businesses to comprehend. Marketing and brand image need to have a solid foundation before introducing and growing your business. Do you have a website, a business page, and social media profiles that cohesively match your brand? If so, what do your colors and design style say about who you are or what you are selling? Photography and your brand are vital for growth and how you will stand out among your competition.

Whether you are selling a service or a product, your branding presence on social media and on the web is the most crucial part of success as a business. We are at a point where it is more important now than ever to connect with your audience visually in order to grow. Traditional advertising methods of being told to buy this or try that don’t work with the new generation, today’s customer wants to feel personally connected. Your image is vital in helping you to connect to your audience and good photography works better than any other method.

These days people want to feel they know you and seeing a smiling face can help you to connect with your audience in a personal way. Whether you want to look like a rock star or just blend in hiring a pro can help you look your best. You have to put thought into what you want and what you believe will work best depending on your business. A great place to start is with a good headshot. Do you want a traditional headshot with a simple background or something more creative like an environmental portrait?

Connecting with your clients is what you need to keep in mind when deciding on what your photography will look like and that also needs to connect with your brand style. Smaller businesses might be tighter on money so it is important to research your image needs and be ready to find the right photographer that matches that style. If money is tight, cutting corners is more important than ever so make sure that your financial decisions are well thought out and connect with your brand. Good photography will make your business look professional and stand out among your competitors.

If you need a photographer, some advice about an upcoming project, or just have a general question, don’t hesitate to email me at any time!

*If you would like to leave a review of my work please do so here, here, or here!

*NOTE all Sheri Oneal blog posts are ©2023 by Sheri Oneal. Any use of photos or content (other than sharing the link) must be agreed upon in writing.

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